Monday, December 27, 2010

I just came across this wonderful list of responses to the statement, "You know you're a plantaholic when":
  • you spend your grocery money on plants
  • you think a bucket of manure is a thoughtful hostess gift
  • you've lied about how much you've spent for a plant
  • you sneak plants home
Yes, with the exception of gift-manure (unless you consider compost a form of manure), I'm guilty to all of the above! And, I can add a few more to the list:
  • you've lied and said that newly purchased plants were from a plant swap or were a nice surprise left outside your door
  • you've had to create new gardens because you don't have room for all your new plants
  • every year you promise that you won't buy any more new plants and break that promise almost immediately
I'm sure all of us are guilty of these plus a few more. Anyone have a bumper sticker that says: "Caution. I brake for nurseries!"?

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Winter beauty

Although we haven't had much snow yet, there is still beauty in the landscape. Yesterday, my husband and I listened to a woodpecker feasting on hidden bugs in one of our ancient sugar maples. We even spotted him peeking away, causing pieces of bark to fall down to the frozen ground below. Ice crystals formed overnight on the evergreen garland hanging on our fences and railings. For a few minutes they sparkled in the sunlight. True, most of what I'm seeing in my gardens is brown and, lets face it, a bit depressing. But I know that there's activity going on below the surface and in just a few short months, everything will begin to pop.

Now all I need is a nice snowfall, a stack of seed and plant catalogs, a roaring fire, and Riley curled up next to me. Ahhh....the joy of winter.